We are sad to report that Dr Lynn Marshall, Past President of both the Canadian Society for Environmental Medicine and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, passed away on April 14 2022. Lynn was the former Medical Director of the University of Toronto-affiliated Women's College Hospital Environmental Health Clinic. Over her 55-year career as a family doctor and professor of medicine, she was recognized for her generosity and scientific achievements in defending patients with environmental sensitivities, notably via her publications on how to take a patient history of environmental exposures. Our sincere condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. https://www.arbormemorial.ca/oakview/obituaries/dr-lynn-margaret-marshall/82026
Environmental Health Trust entrust.org: Pittsfield, MA finally sends Emergency “Cease & Desist” order to Verizon On April 11, 2022, the Pittsfield Massachusetts City Board of Health sent a Emergency “Cease & Desist” order to Verizon “to protect the public health” after over a year of research investigating the numerous reports of physical health issues by families living in the neighborhood near the tower after the tower became operational in 2020. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Just-Released--Emergency-Cease-and-Desist-Order-Against-Verizon-Cell-Tower-by-Pittsfield-MA-Board-of-Health-.html?soid=1116515520935&aid=Rks98oO8eBA
"Dr Marc Arazi" <[email protected]> International Mobi-kids study undermined by conflicts of interest with telecom industry March 20, 2022 Another author of the Mobi-kids study, Japanese expert Masao Taki, also forgot to declare his conflicts of interest with the telephone industry. https://phonegatealert.org/en/mobi-kids-a-fourth-expert-the-japanese-masao-taki-also-conceals-his-conflicts-of-interest We have already noted the failures of 4 authors and 4 Orange employees.https://phonegatealert.org/en/investigation-mobi-kids-a-study-undermined-by-conflicts-of-interest And we will soon report on two more people who worked on the study and who are also in conflict of interest. That's already 10 people involved and our investigations are only just beginning.The industrialist Orange is largely involved in this action since there are now six experts directly involved.Is this a new way of acting on the foundations of the study? Indeed, now that everyone knows how biased the studies financed by the industrialists are, the latter are intervening via studies financed by public funds, here European funds.This is why, in our last press release, MEP Michèle Rivasi publicly questioned the European Commission.Thank you in advance for your opinions and comments Marc Arazi
The EM-Safety project Design guidelines to reduce the magnetic field in electric vehicles https://www.sintef.no/projectweb/em-safety/project-results/design-guidelines-to-reduce-the-magnetic-field-in-electric-vehicles-/
Priartem <[email protected]>: Starlink: the FarWeb stopped by the French State Council By a decision dated April 5, 2022, the Council of State, seized by the associations PRIARTEM and Agir pour l'Environnement defended by Maîtres François Lafforgue and Hermine Baron of the firm TTLA, has annulled the decision of the ARCEP to grant frequencies to the company Starlink for the deployment of a network open to the public allowing it to provide a fixed Internet access by satellite https://www.priartem.fr/STARLINK-Le-projet-d-internet-par.html CONTACT Agir pour l'Environnement - an association of citizen mobilization for a livable planet. https://www.agirpourlenvironnement.org/ PRIARTEM - The first French NGO created on the issue of "waves-health-environment". https://contact.priartem.fr/
Eileen Connor <[email protected]> Radio interview about phone masts & 5G EM Radiation Research Trust Co-Founder Eileen O'Connor talks with the President of the World Freedom Alliance, Immunologist Professor Dolores Cahill. https://tntradio.live/shows/dolores-cahill-show-encore/
Magda Havas <[email protected]> I just signed this petition -- will you?
I just signed the campaign: New Yorkers Demand Safe Utility Meter and Broadband Policies
I ask you to add your name to this important issue. Every name that is added builds momentum around the campaign and makes it more likely for us to get the change we want to see.
Will you join me by taking action on this campaign?
After you've signed the petition please also take a moment to share it with others. It is quick and easy – all you need to do is forward this email.
The ElectroSensitive Society is starting a monthly webinar series designed for health care providers and medical doctors to help EHS patients. The first speaker is Dr. Corey Deacon Corey Deacon, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (neurvanahealth.com)
Register here for this event: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Q1B5HP5bQ42IpbUCOls92w
‘5G Cell Towers Cause Massive Insect Decline on the Greek island of Samos’, by Diana Kordas, February 22 2022. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0266/5411/3837/files/5G_Causes_Massive_Insect_Decline_on_the_Greek_Island_of_Samos1.pdf?v=1649691951
From Nicolas Pineault <[email protected]> In the Arena #1 – New Activism Blog by Dafna Tachover https://theemfguy.com/inthearena-001/
Don Maisch [email protected] : The Death of Millimeter-wave Cellular? Apple recently announced that is not building millimeter-wave spectrum antennas into the next generation SE iPhone. Interestingly, this is a phone sold by Verizon, which spent a year advertising on TV and showing us speed tests on cellphones that were receiving gigabit speeds. https://www.emfacts.com/2022/04/the-death-of-millimeter-wave-cellular/
Dennis and Sharon Noble: Prevent Cancer Now is working so hard to bring the Canadian Environmental Protection Act into the 21st century by recognizing non-ionizing/microwave radiation as a toxic substance. Please help by writing senators and ministers immediately, and encourage your friends and relatives to help, too. A letter is prepared and available by clicking on the red box at the bottom of the article. We need and have a right to a health environment. The Right to a Healthy Environment https://mailchi.mp/510b88321f8f/act-now-for-a-right-to-a-healthy-environment?e=5e59f6a1f4
Dumbphone Sales Are Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones https://www.activistpost.com/2022/03/dumbphone-sales-are-soaring-as-people-revolt-against-overwhelming-smartphones.html
ES-UK <[email protected]>
Alwyn Lewies' testimonial to Professor Johansson in March 2022 (posted to FB 4/4/22) is corroborated by interview with him in 2017. In respect of a commission of enquiry (like that in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission) but instead one that will tackle harm from electro-magnetic radiation, his testimonial proves critical because it establishes the authenticity of his story, describes how his pathological response has progressed and gives a clear indication of a known cause. https://www.emrsa.co.za/alwynlewies/ Full interview by Dr Vivian with Alwyn (17 mins): https://vimeo.com/178925639
Andrew Michrowski <[email protected]>: 1) Article about wireless radiation effects on thyroid appearing in Weston A Price Foundation Radiofrequency Radiation: A Significant Factor in Increasing Thyroid Cancer? - The Weston A. Price Foundation (westonaprice.org)
2) Higher energy consumption for 5G means higher radiation exposure for 5G. In previous email forwarded below about 5G increased energy consumption resulting in more wasted energy being emitted and hence increased exposures to humans and all organisms, don't forget that the FCC proposed in 2019 new rules https://docs.fcc.gov/public/attachments/FCC-19-126A1.pdf for frequencies for 5G and 6G that increase the exposure limits 4-fold to accommodate the increased exposures from 5G, which helps industry so that the 5G infrastructure and equipment can remain in compliance. Currently the exposure limit is 1000 uW/cm2 for 30 minutes (which is thermally based), but the new rules will allow 4000 uW/cm2 ( = 4 mW/cm2) for 1 cm2 of tissue (paragraphs 127-128) INDEFINITELY for an unlimited period of time for any tissue of the body, which would include skin, brain, eyes, organs, etc, and which would apply to EVERYONE, including children, elderly, and those who are already electrosensitive, including those who would be exposed for long periods of time such as the bedridden or infants sleeping in cribs that are close to small cell towers just outside their window [Note that the 1000 uW/cm2 for 30 minutes limit has been in place since 1996, over 25 years ago. It is being proposed to raise it now only because 5G devices (and 6G devices) and their infrastructure are expected to exceed it, so exposure limits must be raised so that 5G/6G will be in compliance. ] 3) https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/5g-radiation-microwave-syndrome-symptoms/ is an article about a study that the much higher levels of 5G radiation causes typical symptoms indicative of “microwave syndrome.” It was written by oncologist and researcher Dr. Lennart Hardell from the Environment and Cancer Research Foundation, and Mona Nilsson, managing director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation . In the study, a 5G base station was installed on the roof of an apartment building, causing extremely high levels of non-ionizing radiation in the apartment of the two persons living just below the antennas. Within a few days of exposure, the residents of the apartment developed symptoms of microwave syndrome, reporting headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, concentration problems, memory problems, confusion, fatigue, trouble falling asleep, depression, heart problems, vision problems, anxiety/panic attacks, fluctuating body temperature, breathing difficulties, burning feelings in skin, nosebleeds, blood pressure problems. After moving to a place with lower radiation, the symptoms quickly decreased or disappeared. Measurements were taken both before 5G deployment and on several occasions afterward. Before 5G was installed there were already base stations for 3G or 4G in the same location directly above the apartment. Measurements before and after the installation of the 5G installation showed that switching to 5G led to an increase in radiation from 9 milliWatts/m2 ( =0.9000 uW/cm2), which is already too high, to a maximum of 1,690 milliWatts/m2 ( = 169 uW/cm2) — high enough for both acute and long-term health effects. So even though the radiation level before switching to 5G was high, after switching on 5G, the levels increased 188 times. Look at all these health effects reported below 0.9 uW/cm2 (with 3G /4G) and 169 uW/cm2 (with 5G)RF Color Charts Summarizing Several Studies - BioInitiative Report 2012 Also see email forwarded below which includes effects that occur at below 0.5 uW/cm2.[The Bioinitiative Report was written in 2012, 10 years ago. There have been hundreds/thousands more studies done since then, confirming these effects and showing new ones]
Until recently, there has not been enough wireless radiation in the air to capture enough energy to power batteries or recharge small sensors or LEDs. However, now with the ever-increasing plethora of wireless devices, 4G and 5G small cells, Wi-Fi hot spots, etc. there is so much wasted electricity that it's being harvested to power batteries, sensors, wearable health sensors, and low energy devices!Not only is this scary but extremely wasteful, and completely inconsistent with being "green". There's an electricity shortage as is (e.g., rolling blackouts in California happen every summer), and now it's being wastefully discharged into the air for 5G, for people, animals, plants, and all living organisms to absorb microwave electricity constantly. Very High Energy Consumption by 5G Cell Towers In fact, by 2030 "5G will prompt Energy Consumption to Grow by staggering 160% in 10 years" - Datacenter Forum (datacenter-forum.com) THE SMALL CELL FORUM PREDICTSTHE INSTALLED BASE OF SMALL CELLS TO REACH 70.2 MILLION IN 2025 - THE POPULATION IN THE U.S. IS ~330 MILLION - THIS MEANS ONE SMALL CELL TOWER FOR EVERY 5 PEOPLE! AND THE TOTAL INSTALLED BASE OF 5G OR MULTIMODE SMALL CELLS IN 2025 TO BE 13.1 MILLION. ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF 5G, WIRELESS SYSTEMS AND THE DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM - ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH TRUST (EHTRUST.ORG) “A 5G BASE STATION IS GENERALLY EXPECTED TO CONSUME ROUGHLY THREE TIMES AS MUCH POWER AS A 4G BASE STATION. AND MORE 5G BASE STATIONS ARE NEEDED TO COVER THE SAME AREA,” -IEEE SPECTRUM, 5G’S WAVEFORM IS A BATTERY VAMPIRE, ADDITIONAL POWER IS ALSO REQUIRED FOR OTHER NEW EQUIPMENT SUCH AS THE RADIO UNITS, BASEBAND AND SERVERS. “A LURKING THREAT BEHIND THE PROMISE OF 5G DELIVERING UP TO 1,000 TIMES AS MUCH DATA AS TODAY’S NETWORKS IS THAT 5G COULD ALSO CONSUME UP TO 1,000 TIMES AS MUCH ENERGY,” DEXTER JOHNSON IN THE IEEE SPECTRUM. WHY? BECAUSE THERE WILL BE AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF SMALL CELLS, MASSIVE MULTIPLE-INPUT MULTIPLE-OUTPUT(MIMO) ANTENNAS, CLOUD COMPUTING AND AN EXPLOSION OF INTERNET CONNECTED DEVICES. In Australia where the protestors were, the RF power densities measured ~ 20 mW/m2 ( = 2 uW/cm2) maximum, a combination of a nearby cell phone tower and the numerous phones from the huge crowd of protestors present :https://www.facebook.com/australianfreeindependentpressnetwork/videos/282838867128757 High Energy Consumed by 5G Cells is Wastefully Discharged into the Air, Exposing Humans and all Life to unprecedented levels of electricity, enough to recharge batteries! Until now, there has not been enough RF to capture any useful amount of energy. Because of the increase in cell phone networks, 5G, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth connections, there is enough electricity in the air now to wirelessly power sensors, LEDs, low energy devices (IOT) or charge batteries. Below are some examples of technologies that are harvesting some of the wasted electricity.
Metasurface-based antenna turns ambient radio waves into electric power •100 microwatts can be harvested from a signal intensity of 0.4 uW/cm2, about the intensity 100 meters from a cell phone tower. A cell phone also powered an LED. •"With the huge explosion in radio wave-based technologies, there will be a lot of waste electromagnetic emissions that could be collected” Energy-harvestingcarduses5G networks as wireless powergrids •A 3D-printed Rotman Lens harvests ~ 6 uW at 590 ft from 5G transmitter •The new rectenna design is printable, flexible, could be used in wearables •5G mm-waves emit unprecedented high radiated power densities •“I've been [unsuccessfully] working on energy harvesting conventionally for at least 6 years…because of FCC limits on power emission and focalization. With the advent of 5G networks, this could actually work and we’ve demonstrated it.”
Radiowavespower wearable health sensors A system wirelessly transmits data (temp, hydration, pulse, O2 level) from health-monitoring sensors to your smart phone, powered by a stretchable “rectenna” that converts RF waves into electricity to power devices or charge energy storage, e.g. supercapacitors. 2 stretchable metal antennas use graphene
Look at all these health effects reported between 0.4 uW/cm2 (required to charge sensors mentioned above) and 2 uW/cm2 (what the Australian protestors were exposed to)RF Color Charts Summarizing Several Studies - BioInitiative Report 2012
What is the Effect of Wireless Radiation on Birds, Bees? Electromagnetic radiation as an emerging driver factor for the decline of insects Alfonso Balmori https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720384461 Biological effects of electromagnetic fields on insects Alain Thill https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Thill_Review_Insects_2020_Engl.pdf
To read scientific literature from Physicians for Safe Technology on the effects of wireless: Educational Videos:• Generation Zapped www.generationzapped.com• PBS, 2018: "A Short Guide to Cell Phone Safety” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t2pdDYHtnY “The Danger of Radio Frequency Radiation" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-Efnk7g4k |